Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hotel robmacca

I've hardly had time to post here on "robmacca" because it's been more like "Hotel Robmacca" around here this month. I'm a member of , which is a free website which has almost 180,000 people who either host or are guests.
The idea is to host visitors to your city or town by giving them a place to stay for 1 or 2 nights (for free) and if possible show them around or even just do them a meal.

I love it because it gives me a chance to show some of the positive images of Coventry and to try and be a good host to any visitors to my city. As I mentioned it's free, so "What do you get out of it?" you may ask.

My reward is meeting a variety of people of different ages, religions and cultures - which helps me understand how diverse and special people are. I am also rewarded knowing their short stay in my city was some how better for staying at the "Hotel Robmacca".

I've just hosted an incredible lady from Germany this week, I have a Napalise Finnish guy arriving Saturday and then next week a French guy who's just spent quite a while in China. All of these people have so much too share - so opening my home gives me a chance to bring the world to my door!

Try it - you never know, by doing so you may entertain angels without knowing it!


  1. Congratulations, Robbie! What nicer a world we would be living in if just a few more people didn't ask themselves all the time «what do I get out of it?»...
    Be happy! You deserve it indeed! :-)

  2. Hey Robbie!

    I'm glad that you're havin' fun with all your guests, it's really nice from you to do something like that. You're a great man and that's something really special.

  3. Awwwwwwwwwww thanks guys!

    I DO indeed enjoy it (and it is also a nice feeling when I get my bed back again!)

  4. Thank you Robbie, I really enjoyed my stay in Coventry thanx to you (well, I wouldn't go there otherwise anyway :P). You're such an incredibly nice host, it felt better than at home ;)

    Sorry I took your bed :)

  5. Give me my bed back you theif!

    It was a pleasure having you here Tommy and a big thanks for Futurama!

  6. Sorry, it's so much better than mine, I don't wanna give it back. It was my first time alone in a double-bed!

  7. I'm stuck on the floor now so bring it back next time.

    Don't tell Lukas you were alone in that bed!


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