Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Take That

Over shadowed by my love of all things Eurovision, I've almost forgotten that I'm off to see Take That in Manchester this Sunday with my friend Norm (visit his Blog, the link is on the right hand side of this page!).

So far all the reviews and comments about the Take That Reunion Tour have been good, so hopefully we won't be too tired Sunday. I think we'll both be tired Monday as Norm has a long journey home back to London and then work, I've got the drive home from Manchester - then work.

I'm looking forward to seeing my Melanie C friends - Emma and Shaz as well..........


  1. Say hello to my mate Howie but the rest just cannie DJ.....

  2. Just hope my car makes it safely to Manchester.

    It'll be fun in Block 113, Row H - hopefully not as far back as it sounds.

    Pity we've both got work the next day - we'll be knackered but it'll be a day out spent well, catching up with friends and I'll give Howard a wave just for you Leone!!

  3. If you're stuck - you might ask me nicely and use my City Centre apartment!

  4. You have an apartment in Manchester??

    I can't keep up with you Leone, your a man of mystery.

    Coventry,Manchester and Korea - your everywhere LOL.

    Sadly I read your comment after the event, so maybe I'll stop over another time. When you gonna be in next? :-P


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