You may remember my blog topic the other day about how good my life as a postie is: http://robmacca.blogspot.com/2006/03/life-as-postie.html
Well, as with everything in life there is always a flip side - and today I experienced that. Not only did I get out about an hour later than normal because of the volume of post and the job cut backs, but I almost got bitten by two dogs that escaped from a house. The boxer and the Labrador were barking at me and the boxer tried to bite my ankle and my arm but thankfully not seriously enough to break the skin. I just stood still waiting for the owners to get the dogs under control, thinking that this is just one of the hazards of the job. It wasn't long before I was off singing again and trying to avoid being stung by the bees that seemed to be out in force on this warmer spring morning.
At least now you can get a more balanced view of my life as a postie!