Monday, January 06, 2025

A New Experiment Is Coming!

A new experiment begins at the end of January 2025 in which surviving a 'nuclear' blast will be key as one individual locks himself away inside a bunker.

The Nuclear Bunker Experiment will test the endurance capabilities and survival instincts as the comforts of everyday life are exchanged for limited luxuries such as cold tinned food and battery powered devices.

The experiment supposedly sees a nuclear war break out as a 100,000 megaton nuke explodes in the centre of London - causing millions of deaths and catastrophic destruction at the heart of the country. As the warning siren sound, quick thinking and immediate shelter protection are the only hope for survival in this experiment. Even some 100 miles away from the blast dangers exist from fallout and radiation poisoning, and survival will depend on how safe the bunker will be as the days unfold.

Videos are being creating in the lead up to the fateful day on YouTube, and you can follow the progress before and during the experiment with blog posts on The Nuclear Bunker Experiment 🧪 🥼 

There will be no running water, heat or outside contact during the time in the bunker - in fact, not even normal shower/toilet facilities will be available. The average outside temperatures are 4C/39.2F, which means life inside the unheated bunker will become unbearable as time goes on. Will the experiment work? Tune in and find out.

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